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Tag Archives : Ayurveda

Ayurveda: What is it, and where did it originate from?

Often wondered exactly what Ayurveda is, and where it originated from? We hope the below is of interest! Otherwise referred to as ‘the science of life’ Ayurveda began in India over 5,000 years ago, and is the oldest known health system in the world. Put into writing approx. 3,000 years ago, these ancient scripts are…

There are different doshas of the human body listed in ancient Ayurvedic medicine. Although Ayurveda is not a science, it exceeds scientific norms to give you optimum health benefits otherwise impossible to achieve with traditional medicine. Considered one of the ancient medical sciences (much accepted today) in the world, traditional Ayurveda is a holistic form…

Have you heard about Ayurvedic treatment? The roots of Ayurveda come from India. Let’s clear the meaning of Ayurveda. The word “Ayur” denotes life and the word “Veda” denotes science. Ayurveda treatment is based on five elements (air, water, fire, ether and earth). It is a harmless way, which gives you strength in the body….

“May all mankind be happy, may all mankind enjoy good health”. This is a Sanskrit invocation that you are likely to hear if you visit the Spa Niraamaya at the Surya Samudra Retreat in Kerala. We selected this retreat for many reasons but above all we appreciate the sense of privacy offered to each guest…