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Tag Archives : Absolute Sanctuary

Robbie Williams  – who rejoined the band last year, 15 years after he first walked out on the group– has got himself hot, sweaty and all worked up about his Take That comeback gig  – doing yoga. The singer suffers from crippling stage fright but had taken up some calming hobbies to help with his nerves…

Detox and Body
Detox and Body

Is your body overloaded?  When body’s primary elimination organs liver, kidney’s, skin, bowel, lungs and lymphatic system become overloaded they get sluggish and less efficient. This results in toxic symptoms to start appearing through the body. Detoxing is the body’s spring clean – it works by cleansing the organs, clearing toxic build-up and returning balance and…

Yoga and you

Yoga has its seed in the beginning of time, yet it still continues to evolve. Inspired from the dept of nature, it is a life and breathing art. The term ‘yoga’  derived from Sanskrit means ‘union’  and is the union of our physical, mental and spiritual selves. It is just not an exercise – it…