Is it time to take a Digital Detox?
To define digital detox: ‘a period of time during which a person refrains from using electronic devices such as smartphones or computers, regarded as an opportunity to reduce stress or focus on social interaction in the physical world’
Can you remember the last time you switched off for 24 hours? If the answer is ‘no’, perhaps you should consider a digital detox!
As useful as technology is, from smartphones to tablets to sat navs – our lives are governed by screens! Did you know that the average person checks their phone 200 times a day, with 73% of the British population saying they would struggle a day without checking in? It’s no surprise that there are claims that constant exposure could be damaging to our health.
Thinking you are up for a challenge? So, how easy do we think it is to start (and stick to) a digital detox? Well, firstly you need a level of self-discipline… lots of discipline…
We’ve had a brainstorm and come up with our ‘Top Tips’ to help make your digital detox a success.
So here goes…
- Make a list of your devices. Can you define what you use the most and why? Do you have habits that you would like to change? Why not also make a list of things you enjoy doing, but don’t ever feel like you have time to. Perhaps once your detox is under way, you will!
- Give yourself an allowance. Realistically, who could manage to go ‘cold turkey’. We certainly couldn’t. Why not try stopping gadgets for certain activities such as the gym, out for a run, shopping etc. Choose a maximum time allowance for the day and try and stick to it! Enjoy spending some time in the real world instead.
- Don’t set unachievable targets. Be kind to yourself, aim to stick to your ‘allowances’ to start with. These will be far easier to achieve, and less likely to fail. Just think of the sense of achievement when you have nailed these!
- Leave your gadgets at home. With no temptation, it should be so much easier, surely…
- Step away from the ‘norm’. There are a huge variety of detox holidays www.sanctuaryspaholidays.co.uk/detox-holidays available in many varying destinations. Why not treat yourself to a break to ‘kick-start’ your detox journey. There are so many worldwide resorts available to choose from which provide the perfect setting to help you on your way.
- Ensure enough sleep. It’s recommended to have no screen time at least two hours before bed. Read that book you’ve been meaning to, relax in the bath, you’ll soon start to see the difference in sleep patterns.
- Find a detox buddy. Call on a friend to join you. A bit of healthy competition and reassurance can go a long way!
- Tell everyone what you are doing. The more people you tell that you are detoxing, the more you won’t want to know if you fail. Perhaps this will be the motivation you need to keep going.
So what are you waiting for? Get ‘Digital Detoxing’ now! We’re pretty sure you won’t regret it. We might even give it a go ourselves!