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Skin care tips that help you avoid winter blues. Dripping temperatures in winters can create havoc for skin and hair. The falling temperatures not only bring the cold and dry winters, but also create a threat to retain the skin moisture.  An undernourished skin looks itchy, dry and red. Here are a few issues that…

Just as a car needs fuel to need it running, each electronic product needs proper maintenance after a while; the joints in the human body also need proper care and upkeep to deal with the stressful lifestyles. For most of us are unaware about the presence of a fluid known as synovial (sin ö VI…

Ten easy ways to beat stress

Ten easy ways to beat stress With changing times, our lifestyles have become more stressful and demanding. The fast-paced life has created a number of challenges for us to cope with at the personal or professional front. The most common mistake and an unhealthy way to beat stress are taking up smoking and drinking. Always…

Meditation and Mindfulness

Meditation and Mindfulness – Some Benefits of Meditation You Might Have Never Known What does meditation remind you of? Silence befalls, robed monks with shaved heads sitting in the Lotus position, eyes closed – for hours! Certainly, their minds have been trained and disciplined over the years to ponder in this way over a long…