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Why Ayurveda is good and why choose Shanti  Maurice

The primary goal of Ayurveda packages at Shanti Maurice is to help people live long, healthy and balanced life. These packages use a well-balanced healthy diet, lifestyle changes, stress relief massage and various herbal remedies to heal all sorts of conditions by helping to bring the body back in balance. The overall belief is that…

Relaxation Techniques That Can Eliminate Stress

In the present fast and hectic lifestyle, people can’t avoid becoming busy and stressful; and this can negatively affect one’s health. Constant stress can contribute to ailments such as high blood pressure, heart disease, insomnia and emotional overeating. Because of these concerns, it is important that people should learn how to relax and deal with…

When I first used to think of yoga, the image of a Buddhist monk sitting legs crossed, arms folded and atop some desolate mountain in the middle of nowhere sprung to mind.  Yet since choosing to do yoga myself, I have discovered why it has been cherished for centuries by monks and has become a…

Changing lifestyles

With the changing lifestyle patterns, fast-paced life and stressful schedules, insomnia also known as sleep apnea has become a common problem for most of us. Simple lifestyle changes in the daily routines can make visible changes in sleep patterns. The top ten tips that help in dealing with insomnia are discussed ahead. 1)   Exercise Daily:…